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Listen Up: Check Out the Inside the GMAT™ Podcast

Matt Hazenbush

Matt Hazenbush - mba.com

Matt Hazenbush is the former editor of mba.com and Director, Research Analysis and Communications for the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).

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The business school admissions process is a unique challenge for any applicant, and a little insider advice can go a long way toward getting that acceptance letter you’ve been dreaming about. Thankfully for you, the Inside the GMAT™ podcast is here to be your official source to become a GMAT™ exam and business school insider.

Inside the GMAT: A new podcast focused on your business school journey

Inside the GMAT™ features experts that will share tips on taking the exam, prep, and how to optimize your application cycle for graduate business school.

Inside the GMAT logoThis bi-weekly show gives you insights on everything you need to know for your graduate business school journey. If you want the inside scoop on the GMAT™, graduate business school assessments, industry insights, and graduate business school success strategies—this podcast is for you.

What topics and guests do you want featured? Reach out and tell the show!

Meet the hosts

The podcast is hosted by a rotating crew of GMAT™ insiders with extensive experience in business school admissions:

Eric Chambers has spent over twenty years working in both undergraduate and graduate admissions. He’s worked at Kenyon College, (his alma mater), in undergraduate admissions and at both the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and The Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business, recruiting and evaluating MBA candidates from around the world.

Matt Hazenbush leads the mba.com content team, and before that he led research communications for GMAC’s research operation for more than five years, writing research-focused web content and reports on issues affecting graduate management education and leading presentations and workshops at industry conferences.

Kailin Burns has spent over 13 years in higher education, including six years in admissions and recruiting. Since joining GMAC, she manages relationships with schools and programs in the Mid-Atlantic and West regions of the United States; and Western Canada.

Our favorite episodes

Subscribe to Inside the GMAT™ on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts to hear the latest episodes every two weeks. Here’s a few of our favorite episodes so far:

Where Do You See Yourself in 8 Weeks? In this episode, host Matt Hazenbush interviews guest Pam Brown, GMAC Director of Product Management. Pam will walk you through the 8-week GMAT™ Exam prep journey - including the practice needed, your time commitment, and tips to maximize your GMAT exam success.

GMAT™ Online vs. Test Center.With two delivery options for the GMAT™ exam, which version is right for you? In this episode, host Eric Chambers interviews Vineet Chhabra the Senior Director of Product Management at GMAC, to discuss similarities and differences between the two. Vineet also gives advice on how to choose which exam best fits your goals.

Exploring GMAT™ Advanced Questions. Are you looking for a little extra boost in your studying and prep for the GMAT™ exam? In this week’s episode Matt Hazenbush discusses how Advanced Questions will help you to better prepare - and aim for a high score. He welcomes back Pam Brown, the Director of Product Management for GMAT™ Test Prep at GMAC.

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Matt Hazenbush

Matt Hazenbush - mba.com

Matt Hazenbush is the former editor of mba.com and Director, Research Analysis and Communications for the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).

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