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Stand Out With the GMAT™ Exam

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Choose the GMAT exam and prepare for real-world applicability.

Applying to business school is a pivotal moment in your life. And getting into the right school can help you stand out, get hired, and achieve your goals. So why wouldn’t you take the exam that is purpose-built for business school?

The GMAT exam is the best choice for b-school applicants who want to stand out. Designed by business schools for business schools, it measures the skills they value most. Your GMAT score can give you an advantage and sends a message that you’re serious about b-school. Plus, it gives you options. Nine out of 10 new MBA enrollments globally are made using a GMAT score1, and almost 40 percent of scores get sent to business master’s programs such as Master of Finance and International Management2

Across any type of business program you’re interested in, the GMAT exam focuses on what matters most to schools: real-world reasoning skills. Do you know what Sesquipedalian means? Or, have you decided that it’s a Floccinaucinihilipilification? Yes, we are confused by these words too. Unlike the GRE, the GMAT exam assesses your readiness for business school by testing what truly matters—your ability to understand and evaluate multiple sources and types of information as they relate to one another—not vocabulary you will most likely never use again. Choose the GMAT exam and prepare for real-world problem solving, both in school and in your career beyond.

If a friendly and streamlined exam experience that helps you get noticed isn’t reason enough, the GMAT exam is only three hours and seven minutes long—that’s almost 40 minutes shorter than the GRE. While it’s always been shorter, we recently made it even more concise because we believe your time is valuable and that longer tests don’t equal better tests. Even more, with the GMAT exam, you don’t have to start by writing an hour of essays; you get to decide your section order. Instead of constantly flip-flopping between math and verbal sections, you have the flexibility to select the order that makes the most sense for you and allows you to put your best, most confident self forward. 

Your journey to business school starts with the GMAT exam. Get noticed by taking the exam that’s accepted by more than 7,000 business programs across 2,300 schools—that’s almost twice the number of schools than the GRE, but who’s counting? 

Stand out. Start Here.


1Top 100 Financial Times full-time MBA programs

22018 GMAT score reporting data

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