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Reduce Your Tuition Fee with a Good GMAT Score

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A good GMAT score can automatically qualify you for fantastic scholarships.

Figuring out how to finance business school is one of the biggest questions people have, and many rely on a mix of funding sources. Besides student loans, personal savings, and family support, scholarships make up around 25% of the financing mix for prospective students.*

Scholarships can be based on either merit or need, and are offered by schools, country-run scholarship institutions, or foundations who want to support international students. Merit-based scholarships are the most common form of financial assistance and are awarded to candidates who display great academic and/or professional achievements.

As the GMAT exam is a proven predictor of academic success, it can play an important role in determining the eligibility for merit-based scholarships, and in some cases business schools even give automatic tuition fee reductions to candidates with a good GMAT score. Learn more and see a list of European business schools offering GMAT-based scholarships.

*GMAC (2018) mba.com Prospective Students Survey

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