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Tips on Requesting Business School Recommendations

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Letters of recommendation help graduate business schools develop a consistent overall impression of you. 

When choosing people to ask for letters of recommendation, keep these tips in mind:

  • Make sure that you follow school specific directions on who your recommenders should be and how many they want to receive.
  • Ask several people for a letter of recommendation, as you’ll never know who will say yes (or have the time to write a letter).
  • Only choose people who know you well and can speak knowledgeably about your relevant skills and accomplishments.
  • Do not ask people with important job titles who do not know you or your work.
  • Provide recommenders with an updated resume to assist in highlighting your accomplishments.
  • Be clear about your deadlines and follow up with reminders.

Ask letter writers to:

  • Explain why you will excel in your graduate business program and in your post-degree career.
  • Confirm or elaborate on your skills, credentials, accomplishments, strengths, and aspirations.
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