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COVID-19 & A Graduate Business Degree in Canada

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Don’t put your dreams on hold during COVID-19. If you’re like most Canadians, there is a high probability that major life plans and events you had scheduled for this year came crumbling down mid-March. While COVID has wrought unparalleled change and uncertainty, your business education and career trajectory are two areas that you can continue to develop, even during the pandemic.

In fact, students around the world are recognizing the value of using COVID-19 as an opportunity to invest in themselves, and afterwards graduate into what they expect will be a stronger global economy, in two- or three-years’ time. In fact, the Financial Times recently reported that 2020 is a record number for applications for top business schools. Ensure you don’t fall behind international competition, and take the first step towards turning your business school dreams into a reality.

Read on to learn more about why COVID-19 is still a great time to pursue your graduate business degree in Canada.

What’s the real value of attending business school?

Before we explore why COVID-19 may be an ideal time to invest in business school, let’s revisit why attending business school is valuable in the first place:

1. Establish a long-lasting professional network: Alumni often cite the professional networks they develop as one of the key benefits of attending business school. Business school provides you the opportunity to meet and work with the leaders of tomorrow—an opportunity that is almost impossible to replicate elsewhere.

2. Win promotions to leadership roles: An MBA or business master’s teaches leadership and management, and offers you a chance—through experiential learning programs—to get early leadership experience (including the inevitable mistakes that come with developing these skills) in a safe, risk-free educational environment.

3. Find the right career path: A graduate business degree gives you the opportunity to confirm or find a career path that suits your professional goals. Attending business school will provide exposure to professionals from a range of careers and a variety of industries, which can help you narrow down what your professional focus should be.

Explore some of the other long-lasting benefits of a graduate business degree.

Why Canada is the perfect place to begin your business school journey

As a Canadian, you’re fortunate that your native country is home to some of the world’s leading business schools. As a country with publicly funded higher education, Canadian programs are known for consistently high quality at an affordable cost. This year, QS Top Universities ranked 18 of Canada’s schools among the best internationally, considering categories such as return on investment, post-degree employment, graduation outcomes and diversity.

In addition, Canada is consistently reported to be a great place to start your own business post-graduation. The Financial Times recently reported on Canada’s entrepreneurial reputation and noted that the country was benefitting from a “brain gain” by attracting top entrepreneurial talent, specifically within the technology sector.

Learn more about why Canada is a leading destination for pursuing an MBA, specifically, and explore Program Finder to discover top Canadian business programs in your area.

Why now is the right time to begin your business school journey

Now that we’ve established that a business degree holds significant value and that Canada is among the world’s top locations to obtain your business degree, let’s dive into why now is the perfect time to do it.

It’s common knowledge that during recession, like that which we currently face, job competition increases and job supply diminishes. As such, you should be using this time to do whatever you can to increase your employability and set yourself apart from the crowd in terms of skill set.

Attending business school is proven to be one of the most effective ways of increasing your chances of being hired. According to data from the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC)’s recent survey, corporate recruiters are highly confident in graduate students’ ability to succeed in their organizations. Specifically, recruiters report having more confidence in the ability of b-school graduates to take leadership roles, navigate the challenges of technological disruption, and to handle a complex business environment.

What’s more, business schools are pivoting to teach students the skills they’ll need to be successful in a post-COVID world. Your business school curriculum is created by industry experts in anticipation of which skills will be most in demand in a post-COVID world, so you can rest assured that you’ll learn the most relevant, cutting-edge technical and soft skills possible.

Top business schools accept the GMAT Exam

Think you’re ready to put your business plans in motion? When considering which schools and programs may be right for you, remember that the world’s leading business schools accept the GMAT Exam, which remains one of the most accurate assessments for predicting success in business programs. Take the first step towards preparing for the GMAT exam with these five ways to tailor your GMAT prep based on your individual goals.

Plus, remember that you can take the GMAT exam in person in a test center, or in the comfort of your own home with the GMAT online exam.

In sum, while COVID-19 may seem like an unnatural time to make life plans, now is actually the perfect time to put your plans in motion to attend business school in Canada to ensure that you set yourself apart from the crowd in terms of your skills and experience.

Ready to take the first step on your business school journey? Register for an mba.com account and receive expert advice for studying for the GMAT exam, getting accepted into your top program of choice, and more.

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