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Five Reasons to Study Abroad for Business School

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If you could go to business school anywhere in the world, where would you go? The world’s leading business schools are looking for smart, engaged, and internationally minded students like you to be a part of their elite master’s cohorts. Will you be among those who take the leap and study abroad for business school?

While COVID-19 and your personal health and safety will be important factors for you as you decide where to study, it’s important that you not lose sight of all the benefits studying abroad for business school can convey as you establish yourself in your career.

Why Chinese students should consider studying abroad for business school

A world of opportunity awaits you! There’s no telling how high you’ll rise after you take the GMAT exam in China and gain admission to leading business schools in places like the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, or Singapore.

Here are five reasons why you should think about studying abroad for business school.

1. Gain a global mindset

Being a leader in today’s globally interconnected business landscape means having the skills to work in cross-cultural environments and understand business practices and norms in different world regions. Nothing can prepare you to thrive in this environment quite like an international graduate business school experience can.

Beyond the perspective you’ll gain studying in and experiencing a different country, the business school curriculum itself is internationally oriented, equipping you with the skills to analyze problems from different global perspectives and truly gain a global business mindset.

A recent survey of business school graduates found that 3 in 4 Chinese citizens who studied outside of China agree that their graduate business education prepared them to work in culturally diverse organizations, and 7 in 10 agree their graduate business education prepared them for international employment.

2. Build an international network

Having an international network of fellow business school alumni can bring incalculable value to your career. Beyond exchanging job opportunities and referrals for new clients and partnerships, international business school networking can be a highly effective means of exchanging intelligence about cultural business norms, locating business partners in local markets, and establishing footholds in new markets.

“Chinese students will learn from the experiences of their classmates coming from all over the world and be able to put this learning into practice when they consider the next step in their careers,” says Eileen Chang of Harvard Business School. “As they graduate, they will likely have many professional opportunities open to them; moreover, they benefit from being part of a large global alumni network beyond China and Asia from which they can draw upon throughout their careers.”

3. Experience a new culture for an extended period and have a well-rounded (and fun!) experience

It’s one thing to take a vacation abroad, stay in a hotel or resort, and get your picture taken in front of recognizable landmarks. It’s another experience entirely to live outside of China for an extended period!

Business school is a tremendous opportunity for you to not just visit another culture, but to truly experience it, know what it’s like to live there, and get to know people on an individual basis. Chinese students who earn a business master’s or MBA degree abroad get the opportunity to work alongside, socialize, and make lasting friendships with students from all over the world. They gain perspectives on how to build relationships and solve business problems across cultures.

When you attend business school abroad, it isn’t all work! There will be lots of time for informal networking and socializing with your classmates. Many business school alumni look back on their time at business school as intense but highly rewarding—and maybe even the most fun period of their whole lives. Business school is a unique time for you to break free from the norms of your usual life, experience something new, and become a more experienced and savvier professional and person.

4. Add an internationally renowned business school to your resume

Many of the world’s leading, most prestigious, and internationally ranked business schools are in places like the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany. Adding the name of a well-known business school—like New York University’s Stern School of Business, Columbia Business School, UCLA Anderson, Berkeley Haas, INSEAD, or London Business School (just to name a few)—to your resume can have a tremendous impact on your career and can put you in a globally elite club of graduates.

5. Learn to “speak business” in English

Sure, you may be conversant in English and you might perform well on the IELTS or TOEFL and the GMAT exam, but could you be an effective speaker during an English language boardroom meeting? Attending business school with top candidates from across the world will solidify your English language skills in a way that ensures you also master English language “business speak”—those tricky, context-specific business terms that you can only truly learn and understand through the conversationally rich experience of business school classrooms and study groups. Remember: 90 percent of communication is non-verbal. Being a part of a culturally diverse classroom—particularly with westerners—will bolster your nonverbal communication skills as well. The best way to learn these skills is through an immersive experience like studying abroad in a new country.

Taking the GMAT exam in China is your passport to globally elite business schools

Leading business schools in places like the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, and Singapore accept thousands of Chinese students each year and have systems in place to ensure you get the care and support you need to be successful in their programs. Take confidence from the fact that so many smart and driven Chinese students like you have found educational and professional success taking the GMAT exam and being admitted to business schools abroad. Imagine the pride your parents will feel when you’re admitted!

Leading business schools around the world accept the GMAT exam as a part of the business school admissions process because it’s a proven predictor of your ability to succeed in their classrooms. Applying with a competitive GMAT exam score demonstrates your commitment and motivation and helps you stand out in the admissions process.

Are you ready to take the GMAT exam in China? Register for your exam today!

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