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Choose the Right MBA Concentration for You

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An Army veteran discusses his MBA experience, specifically choosing the right concentration for him.

Neil HarberI am a student at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. I was born and raised in Ohio and graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point with a BS in Operations Research. Prior to business school, I spent six years in the Army as a field artillery officer, followed by two years as an internal consultant working in Operations for a manufacturing company.

I decided to pursue my MBA at Emory because the program allowed me to customize my experience, while preparing me for day one on the job. During my time at Goizueta, I served as the President of the Veterans Club, Goizueta Ambassador, and Peer Career Coach. Outside of the classroom, I try to spend as much time as possible outdoors.

GMAT Preparation

"Give yourself enough time to fully understand the exam material, and enough time to fully prepare if you need to take the exam a second time."

Choosing Your MBA Concentration

"I enjoy working with numbers and analytics, and communicating through numbers. If you are dead-set on a concentration, keep an open mind, take different classes, and talk to other students and professionals in the field."

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