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Top 5 Reasons to Take the NMAT by GMAC™ Exam

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A successful career does not typically happen by chance. To build one, and to enjoy all the benefits that come along with it, you need to be thoughtful and strategic in deciding what it is you want from your career and determining how to achieve it.

If you have chosen an MBA degree as the path to your dream career, you've already made a big step in the right direction – but there are more important steps that remain, including choosing the right business school admissions exam and finding your best fit MBA programs to apply to.

Your search for one of the most preferred MBA exams in the country and abroad should stop at NMAT by GMAC™. Through the NMAT exam, 40+ business schools in India and abroad empower students to scale the corporate ladder with exceptional entrepreneurial energy. These global centres of learning harbour a sense of openness, participation, and fairness to build a culture conducive to learning and continuous growth.

Why take the NMAT™ by GMAC exam?

Every year, more than 75,000 aspirants apply for the NMAT exam, a computer-adaptive, national-level MBA entrance exam. Ever wondered why such an enormous number of aspirants take this particular exam? Of all the MBA entrance exams – like CAT, XAT, IIFT, and SNAP – why do aspirants opt for NMAT, and why should you consider applying for it?

With multiple exams to choose from, narrowing down your list can be overwhelming. However, understanding the advantages a particular entrance exam offers can help you choose the right one.

So, read on to know how the NMAT exam can become your stepping stone to success and why you should apply!

1. The NMAT exam is accepted by most reputed business schools across the country and abroad

The NMAT exam is accepted at more than 40 institutions in India. Indian institutions like NMIMSISBSPJIMR, and IILM University accept NMAT scores.

Moreover, you can also apply to top schools for business management in South Africa, like the Nelson Mandela University Business SchoolGordon Institute of Business Science, and Wits Business School, in addition to leading schools in Nigeria, including Covenant UniversityLagos Business School, or Lead City University.

In the Philippines, the Asian Institute of ManagementSt. Paul University Manila, or Arellano University also accepted the NMAT exam.

2. The NMAT exam allows for multiple attempts and has a long testing window

Another notable feature of the NMAT exam is that it allows you to take the exam three times a year. The testing window lasts for 75 days. You can have a maximum number of three attempts for NMAT, including no-shows, giving you extra opportunity and confidence to have more than a single chance to perform your best.

Please note that a maximum of three attempts are allowed within a testing year (1st July to 30th June the following year) to every candidate. There is a mandatory gap of minimum 15 days between attempts. You can book a retake only after taking the previous attempt. You are advised to schedule your first attempt at the earliest, so that you can utilize all three attempts in case you wish to improve your score.

3. The NMAT is a candidate-friendly exam

NMAT exam is a user-friendly test that you can take as a proctored test at home or at one of the many test centres across the country. It allows self-scheduling so that you can pick your test appointment time, date, and location as per the availability of seats at each test centre.

The three exam sections – Language Skills, Quantitative Skills, and Logical Reasoning – are given an equal weighting with 36 questions in each section. In addition, you can decide the order of sections in which you wish to attempt the exam as each section is individually timed.

You can preview score instantly and the official scorecard can be downloaded within 48 hours.

4. The NMAT allows you to keep your options open

NMAT allows you to send your scores to up to 5 programmes at zero cost as the score sharing fee of up to five schools is included in the registration fee.

You can also share your scorecard with more than five schools at an additional cost.

5. The NMAT is a one-of-a-kind online exam

Lastly, one of the most pressing reasons to prefer NMAT over any other MBA entrance exam is that the NMAT exam is available online, giving you enough convenience for appearing in the exam from the comfort of your home. Many MBA entrance exams in India do not offer that option.

Since it is an online exam, you can attempt the two-hour-long computer-based test online from the comfort of your home or any place of your convenience, on any day during the testing window, and at any time.

What NMAT examinees have to say

In a quest to identify a suitable way of achieving their dreams, numerous students take the NMAT exam every year and here is what they have to say about it!

"I chose NMAT because it gave me a competitive advantage over other conventional exams. It is accepted in 40+ business schools in India and abroad, and there is no negative marking, which is a big plus point for me." 

—Tata Bharath Sharma, BML University, Gurgaon, MBA

"My reasons are twofold. Firstly, I chose it for the wide variety of colleges that accept the NMAT score, and secondly, it allows you three attempts."

—Rayna Periera, SDA Bocconi Asia Centre, IMB

"I chose NMAT over other competitive examinations because unlike other traditional exams, it does not have a GK section, and it is accepted by various globally renowned universities."

—Mitul Panwar, Shiv Nadar University, MBA iglobal

Opting for an appropriate MBA entrance exam is crucial as it will not only boost your career but also lead to an all-round development that will make you a desirable proposition for employers. 

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