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How the NMAT Exam Opens Doors for B-School Aspirants

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Why is the MBA one of the most popular degrees in India? A key reason is that a growing number of talented young people want to be a part of the ever-growing corporate world, where their hard work can pay off in the form of high-paying salaries and global opportunities. But first, you need to get into one of the several reputable business schools that offer the coveted and globally-recognized MBA degree.

The NMAT by GMAC™ exam is one of the paths to get into many of these business schools, including more than 40 in India and abroad.

Which Indian business schools accept the NMAT by GMAC™ exam?

Check out the full list of NMAT-accepting business schools.

One of them is the Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), which accepts NMAT exclusively, meaning it does not accept any other entrance exams apart from NMAT for their graduate business programs.

NMIMS is a one of the most reputable business schools in India. Looking back at when it started in 1981, today, NMIMS is known at a global scale for its ever- evolving curriculums and relentless attempts at keeping pace with international standards.

Other business school that accept the NMAT exam include the Indian School of Business (ISB) for its Business Analytics program and SP Jain for its PGMPW program. In addition, also accepting the NMAT exam are XIM University, ICFAI Business School, VIT Vellore, KJ Somaiya Institute of Management, SOIL Institute of Management, and the Athena School of Management.

What’s the NMAT by GMAC™ exam like?

Many past examinees have expressed that the NMAT exam by GMAC™ is a very candidate-friendly entrance test.

Due to the pandemic which had hit us all last year, NMAT by GMAC introduced online NMAT exam which can be taken from home. Now, the two-hour-long paper can be taken either at a test centre or through proctored IBT (Internet-based test from home) mode.

It tests aspirants on their Language, Quantitative, and Logical Reasoning Skills in its three section structure and follows an adaptive pattern. As and when the candidate answers a question, the difficulty of the subsequent one increases or decreases on the basis of the answer.

There are a total of 108 questions, and each section has a time limit within which the test-takers are expected to attempt the questions. This exam offers a lot of flexibility with multiple attempts. In case you are dissatisfied with your score post the first attempt, you can apply for a retake.

How to prepare for the NMAT by GMAC exam

The NMAT by GMAC exam provides effective preparation timelines for students who want to take the exam, depending on how prepared they are. The 2-week prep timeline is for those who are already preparing for other exams and how they can streamline their approach to make it NMAT specific. It includes study material, free online tests, official guides for each section, and practice exams.

NMAT by GMAC Prep Timeline

Reduce your anxiety by approaching the test with a solid plan and execute on that plan. Learn how NMAT by GMAC™ exam study plan can help you prepare for other entrance exams.

Another prep timeline spanning over six weeks for those who are starting from scratch for the NMAT exam. It is a focused approach with dedicated time slots for each section, tests, and other significant information. Having a concrete plan and duly executing it can be the deal-breaker for cracking this exam.

The NMAT exam connects you to a world of business career opportunities

Business schools that accept NMAT scores have generally shown good placement rates in the past. Below is the percentage of students in a batch who find jobs within three months of graduation for some of the business school that accept NMAT scores.

  • Alliance University: 90-95%
  • ISME Mumbai: 100%
  • IBS ICFAI: 95%
  • ISBR: 90%+
  • GITAM Hyderabad School of Business: 92-99%

Applying to business school with an NMAT exam score

Please note The NMAT by GMAC exam registration and the school application process are two separate steps. We encourage you to keep checking for any changes in the program eligibility criteria and admission process of the NMAT by GMAC score accepting programs on the websites of the schools to which you plan to apply.

Register for the NMAT

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