How GMAT Integrated Reasoning Will Help You

Today’s business professionals operate in diverse environments where locations, populations, and stakeholders are connected by technologies that make unprecedented volumes of data available.
This data comes from a multitude of sources: social media, shopping histories, streaming services, interactive augmented reality, digital assistants, smart appliances, smart cars, smart buildings, government reports, scientific studies, shipping records, surveys, and more. Additionally, the data is presented in different forms such as in spreadsheets, graphics, and text. The winners among global businesses rely on skilled leaders who can see the connections between multiple sources and make data driven decisions based on the most accurate and complete picture of their business environments. This is the essence of integrated reasoning.
The GMAT™ exam gives you an opportunity to showcase the integrated-reasoning skills that will give you an advantage in both the business world and in any graduate management program that meets the needs of global companies. The Integrated Reasoning (IR) section of the GMAT—which measures a candidate’s ability to synthesize, interpret, and make judgements based on data from multiple sources—was developed with input from both business schools and corporate recruiters. No other graduate admission exam offers a comparable section to demonstrate these in-demand skills.
The IR section includes four types of questions:
- Multi-Source Reasoning: Measures the ability to examine and analyze data from multiple sources inclusive of text, tables, graphics, or a combination of all three types
- Table Analysis: Measures the ability to sort and analyze tables of data to assess the relevance of information
- Graphics Interpretation: Measures the ability to interpret information presented in a graph to identify relationships between data points and make inferences
- Two-Part Analysis: Measures quantitative and verbal abilities used to solve complex problems
Graduate programs that are designed to produce business school alumni with the skills global corporations need recognize how candidates with integrated-reasoning skills contribute to the marketability and reputation of a graduate business school program.
To find resources that will help you stand out with stellar performance on the IR section of the GMAT exam, explore