Executive Assessment Prep: Inside the GMAT Podcast

As an experienced professional, you’re busy juggling the demands of work and home. Once you’ve made the choice to go back to school for your MBA, what comes next should fit both your priorities and your experience. The Executive Assessment (EA), from the makers of the GMAT exam, is easy to schedule, short in duration, and requires only minimal preparation.
That small time investment in EA prep should be focused on getting familiar with the test to ensure you’re confident on assessment day. In this episode of the Inside the GMAT™ podcast, we discuss expert advice for how best to prepare for the Executive Assessment. Our guest is Manish Dharia, Director of Product Management for the Executive Assessment at GMAC.
Episode 14: Prepping for the Executive Assessment
Here are some highlights from the conversation.
On how to get started with Executive Assessment prep:
“The first thing our candidates should do is go visit the Executive Assessment website. There’s a lot of great information there, a blog that offers great tips and guidance, and for those of you who are trying to get a quick understanding of the types of questions that are on the EA, we offer a free sampler, which offers an example of each question type presented on the EA, and it also gives you answer explanations. So it’s a great place to get familiar with the assessment, maybe get an early read on where you might need to focus more of your prep time before you begin your full prep.”
📈 Free Guide: Executive Assessment Questions Sampler
On additional EA prep options:
“There’s actually a variety of prep options available on the Executive Assessment website. We offer lots of practice questions with answer explanations, we offer practice assessments, and the great thing about those practice assessments is that they simulate the real EA and leverage the same scoring algorithm and they present official EA questions.”
📗 See more: Executive Assessment Official Prep
On how to plan for assessment day:
“The first thing I would say is go to our Executive Assessment website and review the pre-appointment steps…those are really important to go through. Those a whole drop down tab on what to expect on assessment day and things you’ll want to know ahead of time, whether you’re taking it at a test center or online.”
✔ Read more: Assessment Day
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