Advertising Policy

To further our mission of providing solutions for schools and candidates to discover and evaluate each other, we accept advertising and sponsorship under strict guidelines. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we believe is incompatible with our mission or values. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we deem contrary to the best interests of GMAC Media Solutions or any of our affiliates, including advertisements that negatively affect our relationship with our users or that promote content, services or activities contrary to our competitive position or advertising philosophy.
The following provides guidance for our online visitors regarding the various aspects of advertising and sponsored content across the GMAC Media Solutions websites (namely and, our social media platforms (including blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram) and our e-newsletters (the “Sites”).
GMAC Media Solutions has sole and absolute discretion with respect to interpretation and enforcement of this Policy and all other issues associated with advertising and promotion on the Sites.
- GMAC Media Solutions may change this Policy at any time at its sole discretion by posting a revised policy.
- GMAC Media Solutions produces a variety of content with funding from outside parties. These sources of revenue allow us to explore topics that we hope are of interest to our readers.
- GMAC Media Solutions has sole discretion for determining the types of advertising and promotion that will be accepted and displayed on the Sites.
- GMAC Media Solutions prefers to work with advertisers who share our mission and purpose of ensuring that no talent goes undiscovered.
- All advertisements and commercially sponsored articles are independent from editorial decisions. Editorial decision-making and content are not compromised by commercial or financial interests, will not be influenced by current or potential sponsors and advertisers, or by any specific arrangements with advertising clients or sponsors or by marketing decisions.
- GMAC Media Solutions recognises and maintains a separation between advertising and commercially sponsored content and editorial content. The presentation of the content makes clear how the content has been commissioned and produced, and who has funded it. “Sponsored” content is used to describe content funded by an advertiser and developed by our editorial staff. “Sponsored” content is clearly labelled as such.
- The presence of an advertisement, links to or logos of third parties on our Sites or in e-mail communications does not imply and in no circumstances shall it be considered an endorsement of the advertised company or any products, services or activities.
- GMAC Media Solutions is not responsible for the content or accuracy of third-party advertisements or for the quality or reliability of the products or services offered within any advertisement.
- GMAC Media Solutions is not responsible for any consequences arising when visiting third party websites when following an advertising link.
- GMAC Media Solutions retains the exclusive right to determine the way in which any and all search results for specific information by keyword or topic are displayed on the Sites. Advertisers and sponsors have no control or influence over the results of searches a user may conduct on the Sites by keyword or search topic.
- Sites may identify users by log in, cookies, or other web identifiers. When applicable and appropriate, as determined by GMAC Media Solutions, pages, advertisements, and other content may be customised to provide content of interest.
- We partner with third-party advertising companies to serve ads and/or collect certain information when users visit our Sites. These companies may use cookies to collect non-personally identifiable information during a user visit to the Sites to help show advertisements on other websites.
- We will not tolerate irresponsible data collection and use by advertisers or sponsors. Any sponsor or advertiser collecting data should not misuse this information, nor collect it for unclear purposes, without appropriate security measures or appropriate consent.
Any complaints concerning advertisements should be addressed to Please see our Privacy Statement for details on how GMAC Media Solutions delivers targeted advertising to people who visit our Sites.
More information for Advertisers
- The Sites have a global audience. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to comply with all applicable domestic and foreign laws and regulations, licensing and registration requirements. GMAC Media Solutions is not responsible for and will not monitor the advertiser's compliance with any such laws or regulations or its licence or registration status, but if GMAC Media Solutions becomes aware of any breach or potential breach of any applicable law or regulation, or any licensing or registration requirement or of this Policy, we may reject, cancel, or remove the advertising.
- All advertisements must clearly represent the advertiser, the product, service or brand that is being advertised and all advertising components, including any text, images or other media, must be relevant and appropriate to the product or service being offered and the audience viewing the advertisement. All required disclosures and mandatory warnings in advertisements must be clear and conspicuous.
- Advertisements promoting student loan services must not promote misleading or deceptive services related to student loan consolidation, forgiveness, or refinancing, and must comply with all applicable laws, including clearly displaying all legally-required disclosures and product information.
- GMAC Media Solutions will not accept advertising that, in our sole opinion, is not in good taste. Users of our Sites are located in many countries around the world. Any advertising must always reflect generally accepted contemporary standards of good taste and decency and avoid themes that may seem harmless in one geography but could cause offence in another country or culture. For this purpose, proposed advertising activities are evaluated from the perspective of the target audience as well as from the perspective of the broader society, locally and globally, but in all circumstances remain subject to our absolute discretion.
- We abide by applicable copyright and trademark laws, so we don’t allow ads that are not authorized to use copyrighted content or that infringe trademarks. If you see unauthorized use of intellectual property, please submit an IP complaint to our Customer Care.
- We will not permit the placement of a) advertising for illegal or objectionable products, services or activities, or b) advertising that is mocking of or offensive to any individual or group of individuals based on age, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, or disability, or c) advertising that contains images or messages that relate to matters of public controversy or sensitivity. We will not permit advertising content that is likely to disgust or to promote hatred, violence, harassment or political intolerance in any form.
- Advertising will not be accepted if it promotes any of the following: adult content (including nudity, depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions or activities that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative), alcohol, ammunition, firearms, fireworks, gambling, illegal or recreational drugs, pornography, tobacco or related paraphernalia, or the simulation of news or an emergency.
- Clicks on an advertisement may lead only to other content on the Sites or to the advertiser’s site. Advertisements that direct users to phishing links, malware or similarly harmful codes or sites are strictly prohibited.
- GMAC Media Solutions reserves the right to reject, cancel, or remove any advertising from our Sites for any reason at any time. We will provide reasonable notice to the advertiser upon rejection, cancellation, or removal of any advertising, unless the advertising violates our standards, in which case we may remove the advertisement without notice.
- No advertising will be permitted that may bring GMAC Media Solutions or any of our affiliates into disrepute or diminish or damage the good name or reputation or the GMAC® brand or its family of brands, or is inappropriate to the content on our Sites.
If you are interested in advertising on our Sites, please contact our team at