Data Insights: Two-Part Analysis Sample Questions 5 of 5

A literature department at a small university in an English-speaking country is organizing a two-day festival in which it will highlight the works of ten writers who have been the subjects of recent scholarly work by the faculty. Five writers will be featured each day. To reflect the department’s strengths, the majority of writers scheduled for one of the days will be writers whose primary writing language is not English. On the other day of the festival, at least four of the writers will be women. Neither day should have more than two writers from the same country. Departmental members have already agreed on a schedule for eight of the writers. That schedule showing names, along with each writer’s primary writing language and country of origin, is shown. 

• Day 1:

Achebe (male, English, Nigeria)

Weil (female, French, France)

Gavalda (female, French, France)

Barrett Browning (female, English, UK)

• Day 2:

Rowling (female, English, UK)

Austen (female, English, UK)

Ocantos (male, Spanish, Argentina)

Lu Xun (male, Chinese, China)


 Select a writer who could be added to the schedule for either day. Then select a writer who could be added to the schedule for neither day. Make only two selections, one in each column.

Either day

Neither day


LeGuin (female, English, USA)

Longfellow (male, English, USA)

Murasaki (female, Japanese, Japan)

Colette (female, French, France)

Vargas Llosa (male, Spanish, Peru)

Zola (male, French, France)

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