Data Insights: Multi-Source Reasoning Sample Questions 7 of 8

Island Museum analyzes historical artifacts using one or more techniques described below—all but one of which is performed by an outside laboratory—to obtain specific information about an object’s creation. For each type of material listed, the museum uses only the technique described:

Animal teeth or bones: The museum performs  isotope ratio mass spectrometry  (IRMS) in-house to determine the ratios of chemical elements present, yielding clues as to the animal’s diet and the minerals in its water supply.

Metallic ores or alloys:  Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry  (ICP-MS) is used to determine the ratios of traces of metallic isotopes present, which differ according to where the sample was obtained.

Plant matter: While they are living, plants absorb carbon-14, which decays at a predictable rate after death; thus  radiocarbon dating  is used to estimate a plant’s date of death.

Fired-clay objects:  Thermoluminescence  (TL)  dating  is used to provide an estimate of the time since clay was fired to create the object.

Among the Kaxna artifacts is a wooden box containing both a small fired-clay bead and some river sediment containing clay and plant matter. Based on the museum’s assumptions, which one of the following details about the bead can be determined by applying one of the tests in the manner described?

A range of dates for its manufacture
The Kaxna island on which it was made
Vegetation patterns near the workshop where it was made
A range of dates for its placement in the box
The source of clay used to make the bead

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