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Meeting Enrollment Requirements

woman in pink shirt

Follow our short to-do list to ensure you are ready on the first day of class.

Requirement Explanation To-Do

Business school enrollment requirements generally include matriculation forms and deposits. Send those in immediately, along with any other forms the school requires. 

  • Double-check any coursework conditions or prerequisites you must complete before starting your program.
  • Register for prerequisite courses early enough to complete all requirements in time to begin your program as planned. 


Prerequisites are courses a business school requires you to complete before you enroll in their program. If you have any academic shortcomings, a school may ask you to take specific courses before enrolling, such as a calculus, computing technology, or statistics class. 

  • Double-check any coursework conditions or prerequisites you must complete before starting your program.
  • Register for prerequisite courses early enough to complete all requirements in time to begin your program as planned. 

Academic Preparation 

Consider investing in pre-business school prep materials, as they will assist in you being ready for the first day of graduate business classes. While it is best to take courses before applying, definitely invest in business school prep before enrolling. 

  • Ask your school about pre-matriculation programs that start just before the academic year to help incoming students prepare. 
  • Finally, check out the study materials and tools available in the mba.com Store to help you get ready for the classroom and beyond. 
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