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Convert Your Grades to the GPA Scale

pensive woman

Planning to study in the U.S. or another international destination, but not sure how your current grades and other information measure up for business school? Use this GPA conversion table and other valuable resources.

This convenient table converts your grades to the 4.0 GPA (Grade Point Average) scale commonly used in the U.S.

Convert Your Grades to the GPA Scale

4.0 Scale A-F 100-0 1-5 Four Passing Grades Three Passing Grades
4.0 A 90-100 Highest Passing Grade Highest Passing Grade
3.0-3.9  80-89 Second Highest Passing Grade Middle Passing Grade
2.0-2.9 C 70-79 Third Highest Passing Grade Lowest Passing Grade
1.0-1.9 D 60-69 4 Lowest Passing Grade Fail


F Below 60  Fail  Fail 


Other Tools for International Study

Embarking on the journey to earn your MBA or master’s degree in another country means there are several factors to consider beyond your GPA equivalent. To help you best prepare for earning an MBA abroad, review helpful tools like this immigration primer and complimentary international study guide which includes information on everything from GPA grade conversion to visa requirements and GMAT™ score benchmarks.

Need to prepare for the GMAT? The free GMAT Starter Kit Plus Practice Exams 1+2 features full length adaptive practice exams created by the official GMAT exam providers. Plus, create an mba.com account to access resources from business school experts.

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