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How to Stand Out in MBA Group Interviews

Lana Silanteva

Lana Silanteva - 700+CLUB

Lana Silanteva is an mba.com Featured Contributor and the Co-Founder and Head of Verbal at 700+CLUB

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MBA group interviews are an innovative way for business schools to decide which candidates are the best fit for their programs. Group interviews involve applicants working together to solve a real-world business scenario.

The admissions committee is looking at two critical components during MBA group interviews: how candidates use analytical thinking and how good their interpersonal skills are. Business professionals have to use teamwork skills to think through complex issues, so the admissions committee wants to see how you think and how you work with others.

MBA group interview best practices

With the right advice, applicants can maximize their chances of wowing the admissions committee during the group interviews.

To better understand the interview process and how to seize the opportunity to shine, here are some tips on what to do and what to avoid during MBA group interviews:

1. Get ready for the discussion in advance

Some top business schools, such as The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, give applicants a discussion prompt in advance. Applicants at other leading business schools, such as University of Michigan—Ann Arbor’s Ross School of Business receive no materials in advance to work with.

If your school gives you a topic to think about before the interview, start preparing in advance. Study the topic in detail and prepare some ideas that you can share with the group.

Taking time to study and prepare in advance will help you develop your thoughts and give you interesting talking points. Thinking on the spot is not only more nerve-wracking, but also makes you seem unprepared.

2. It’s not a competition

Business schools attract many intelligent, hard-working students, so many applicants might feel intimidated by having to compete directly against other applicants in a group interview.

You will be more likely to succeed if you follow a different approach. Your group members are actually your best asset when it comes to making an impression on the admissions committee.

The admissions committee wants to see that you can be a team player. Make sure to actively listen to other ideas, respond positively to feedback, and connect your analysis thoughtfully to the group discussion.

Don’t talk over other people or show disrespect. Instead, make sure to stay focused on working together to analyze the issue you are given.

Applicants who are able to work together well are often more successful in their applications. To be a competitive applicant, you have to empower others on your team and contribute fairly to the conversation.

3. Focus on building the next step

To best showcase your collaboration skills, focus on developing the ideas of the group and connecting them to get to a resolution.

You do not need to be the one who came up with the winning idea. What matters most is whether you can contribute to the plan and do your part for the team during the group interview.

Trying to stay in the spotlight and steal the glory is not helpful for the group to succeed. Instead, actively collaborate with your group, listen to the ideas on the table, and focus on how to build the idea further to reach a solution.

Business professionals are always working in teams to find new opportunities for solutions. This approach to collaboration shows the admissions committee that you can work in a team and that you are able to prioritize the group’s goals.

4. Be mindful of your body language

The admissions committee will be looking at not only what you’re saying, but also how you are saying it.

Raising your voice in anger, keeping your arms crossed or rolling your eyes in disagreement at your group members is disrespectful to your team and will leave a bad impression on the interviewers.

You need to show the admissions committee that you would be an asset on a team. Inviting body language such as smiling and a calm tone of voice, as well as giving others a chance to speak, shows that you can work with others effectively.

How to have a successful MBA group interview

The MBA group interviews are a significant component of every candidate’s application.

If you are given a prompt in advance, make sure to study the topic well and have some ideas prepped for the interview.

Also, remember that your group members are there to help you. Being able to work with your team effectively shows the admissions committee that you can be a thoughtful team player both at school and in the workplace.

Likewise, you should prioritize the group’s goal to come to a solution for the issue you were given. Stay focused on finding new opportunities to contribute and getting your team across the finish line.

Lastly, you should keep your body language in mind. A friendly smile and a respectful tone of voice will leave a great impression on the admissions committee and prove to them that you are an asset.

Lana Silanteva

Lana Silanteva - 700+CLUB

Lana Silanteva is an mba.com Featured Contributor and the Co-Founder and Head of Verbal at 700+CLUB. 700+Club is a student-centric, venture-backed online test prep and admission consulting company. Every year they help thousands of students achieve their best scores and get admitted to the top B-schools around the world.

At 700+ Club, they believe that test preparation should be fun, engaging, innovative and result-oriented. With 99%-ile teachers, innovative 
and digital learning tools, and a comprehensive methodology, they are certain that you will achieve your best test score.

They say about themselves: "We are not a test prep company, we are your test prep support system."

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