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About Profile Updates and Changes

How do I update my profile on mba.com?

To make changes to your name, country of citizenship, or date of birth, please contact Customer Service for your region via email. To expedite this process, please provide proper documentation (reference below list) for the change. For any other changes, please log in to the My Account page on mba.com and edit your information.

Proper Documentation - Name Change:


Driver's License

Marriage License

Certified Record of Divorce

Certified Court Order

Proper Documentation - Country of Citizenship

Naturalization Paper


Proper Documentation - Date of Birth


Driver’s License


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How do I change my name on mba.com?

Due to security reasons you may not make changes to your name in your mba.com profile. You must contact GMAT Customer Service directly. 

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I'm filling out my profile, and it asks for my undergraduate institution, but my school is not on the list, what should I do?

Your undergraduate institution is not a required field in your registration. Please leave it blank and complete your profile.

We would be happy to add the name of the school you attended in our next update. Please send the name and the location to customercare@mba.com.

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