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Why You Should Study Abroad for Your Graduate Business Degree

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How will a degree abroad support my career in my home country?

Shelly Heinrich, Associate Dean, MBA Admissions, and Director of Marketing, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, says experiences from an international MBA have practical application in your career and can set you apart from your peers. 

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Business is global. No matter what industry you work in, you're going to likely have suppliers, or vendors, or strategic partners, or alliances, or even employees that are from other parts of the world. In business school, you're gonna do rigorous case study analysis, studying companies from all over the world, and you're gonna be doing it with groups of students and peers from multiple countries all over the world.

So, through all of these experiences in your MBA, you'll be able to take back to your home country perspectives that will separate you from your peers. You will be able to come in, and attack, and solve problems and challenges in your company with a new mindset that you wouldn't have had before business school. And you often be looked to as a peer and a leader in your industry.


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