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Start Your Journey to Studying at a Top Business School in Europe

As a cultural and financial powerhouse, it’s no surprise that Europe is the first-choice business school destination among candidates from Africa and the Middle East*.

According to the Financial Times rankings, Europe is home to most top-ranked Master’s in Management and Master’s in Finance programs – and a third of top MBAs – making it an excellent location for supercharging your career to the next level.

Studying for a business master’s abroad can give you a head-start on a global career as you’ll develop a network of connections from around the world. Business Schools in Europe boast global network of alumni who live and work in different countries and support each other’s lives and careers after graduation.

But if you’re considering applying to business school in Europe, you will likely have many questions and considerations such as location, program, cost, language, cultural differences, and employment opportunities after graduation.

To answer these queries – and to support your journey towards a business master’s in Europe – help is at hand. The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is connecting applicants from African countries with some of Europe’s top business schools who want to welcome you to their schools.

Simply sign up for more information.

How does it work?

Top business schools from across Europe that want to welcome more applicants from African countries. Sign up to Study In Europe and you will receive information about each aspect of applying for business master’s programs in Europe, including visas, funding and scholarships.

How will I be put in touch with business schools?

By signing up, you will have a front-row seat at a series of informative webinars with schools in Europe. Each webinar addresses the different points of the candidate journey when choosing, applying and preparing to start a business and management programme in Europe – how business master’s support different career tracks; choosing the best-fit master’s and school for you; what you need to know about applying to business school in Europe; securing scholarships and accessing funding options and much more.

The webinars are also a great opportunity to ask questions to business school teams direct.

Which schools are involved?

A number of highly ranked and reputable business schools with strong links with international companies both in Europe and globally are involved. All are keen to hear from African candidates and include Bayes Business School (London), BI Norwegian Business School (Oslo/Bergen), Bocconi University (Milan), ESSEC Business School (near Paris), ESMT Berlin, IE University (Madrid), Imperial College Business School (London), London Business School, University of St Gallen (St Gallen/Zurich) and UCD Smurfit School (Dublin).

What kind of programs can I study in Europe?

Business schools in Europe, including those listed, offer a range of business master’s programs such as a Master’s in Management, Data Analytics, Finance, Accounting, Marketing – and many more, including the MBA.

Here are some further reasons why Europe is a great choice for business school:

Excellent value for money

European programs are typically shorter in duration than in the US, taking just 10-19 months to complete. With their connections to graduate recruiters in their own country and abroad, schools in the region also provide strong value for money.

Diverse cohorts

Business school classes thrive on diverse classrooms and a global view. Cohorts at European business schools are richly multi-cultural and include around 65-95% international students. As well as students from European countries, you can expect to study alongside people from across the world including from Africa, Asia and the Americas.

Fantastic career prospects

Europe is a hub of financial and business activity. All the schools that GMAC has partnered with have great connections with the business world and beyond. Whether it’s top accounting, consulting, tech, consumer goods or finance firms, business schools have established contacts with all market areas. While studying you’ll have access to the business school’s career services to get expert advice on the right career for you as well as company visits or recruitment fairs. A huge 87% of corporate recruiters say that they are confident that business schools prepare new hires for success, according to the 2022 GMAC Corporate Recruiters Survey.

* According to the Graduate Management Admission Council Prospective Student Survey 2023

Upcoming webinars

October 19th: Choosing your master’s degree

An exploration of the range of business master’s degrees available in Europe, such as the Master in Management, Master in Finance and other specialised degrees.   

November 16th: Understanding and preparing for the GMAT

With the launch of the GMAT Focus edition, learn what you need to do to prepare for success on the GMAT exam in order to showcase your talent to the admissions officers.

December 7th: The value of a business Master’s in Europe

The session will explore the range of outcomes that can be achieved following your course of study in Europe, including a variety of career opportunities both in your location of study or back home.

January 11th: How to craft a successful application

Hear what admissions officers are looking for when evaluating your application to business school. We will discuss what to include in your application and resume, and highlight other things that you may need to think about such as obtaining your university transcripts or letters of recommendation.

February 15th: Financing your business master’s

We will explore the fees and other costs you may incur whilst studying in Europe, whilst also looking at options for funding your studies through loans or perhaps through business school scholarships.

March 14th: Life beyond the campus

Studying in Europe means more than just sitting in a classroom. Learn more about activities that run alongside your course of study, such as internships and extracurricular activities. We will also discuss the cultural exposures you will gain by interacting with your new local community.

Read more: Scholarships And Funding Options For African Students Pursuing A Business Master’s In Europe