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Canada Attracts Nigerian Talent with Scholarships and Easy Work Permits

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Last year, the Immigration Minister of Canada announced that Canada wants to attract 401,000 new permanent residents by next year.

This is part of Canada’s ambitious plan to boost Canada’s economy by focusing on foreign workers. The previous immigration plan had a goal of 351,000 immigrants, but now amid COVID-19, Canada wants to invite 50,000 additional immigrants to reinvigorate the economy.

These immigrants will be highly skilled workers, students, and entrepreneurs with goals to stimulate the economy through working and opening businesses.

Why Canada wants more immigrants

According to the minister, “To rebuild a stronger economy, we need to have enough workers to maintain supply chains, allow businesses to expand and create more jobs for Canadians. Whether in long term care homes, the tech sector or local restaurants, this crisis has highlighted the important contributions that newcomers make to our communities.”

Canada needs immigrants not only to aid its economic bounce back from coronavirus, but also to support their aging population. Canada's worker-to-retiree ratio is 4 to 1, so through immigration they’re aiming to meet their labor market demands, as well as sustain Canada's education system through international students.

Careers in Canada: Study and Work as an International Student

Position yourself for success in Canada during COVID-19 by upskilling. See which industries are hiring and how you can impress employers, even during difficult financial times.

Consequently, Canada is looking to countries like Nigeria for skilled workers and international students to help the recovery effort. Canada has been an attraction for Nigerians in recent years more than ever before, and they have also attracted and are still attracting Nigerians to study and/or migrate abroad. Amongst other reasons, Nigerians are attracted to Canada because of its relatively high literate population as well as similarities in both countries’ economic and legal systems.

Studying in Canada as an international student

Canada also offers Nigerian students affordable quality education which is a major attraction to Nigerians considering the relative lack of quality education in Nigeria.

There are over 250 scholarships, along with fellowships and grants made available for Nigerian students to study in Canada and this has become a major attraction to even students considering Canada for their MBA or other postgraduate studies.

MBA Scholarship Opportunities to Explore

MBA scholarships come in all shapes and sizes. The bottom line is they can help you pay for business school by drastically reducing the cost of your degree.

It has also become much easier for international students to work during and after their studies, this is another major factor for Nigerian students in their choice of study destination as most Nigerians seek job security and international experience after their studies.

Many of Canada’s provincial immigration programs are also specifically targeted at international students. In addition, the federal government has implemented a path for them to become Canadian permanent residents. 

Consequently, Nigerian citizens stand a good chance of qualifying under many Canadian economic immigration programs and this is made open for interested Nigerians to seize the opportunity to enhance the quality of their lives.

Apply with confidence

Our free guide, Tell Your Story: Personal Branding for MBA Applications, provides you with step-by-step, expert guidance on how to position your personal brand in your applications to ensure you tell an authentic and compelling narrative that differentiates you from other qualified applicants and sticks in the minds of the admissions committees.

Get insider advice on how to:

  • Reflect on your personal journey and express who you are
  • Clearly articulate your goals in a way that will check the boxes admissions staff are trained to look for
  • Have a rock-solid answer to the key questions of “why an MBA?” and “why now?”
  • Tie your MBA story together in a way that elevates your personal brand


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