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Business Has Moved East, So Should Your MBA

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The focus of the business world has shifted toward Asia, with China at the center.

For prospective MBAs from the US and Europe, a top-tier business school degree is no longer sufficient to stand out from the competition. With that in mind, consider these reasons for heading East for your full-time MBA studies:

1. Proximity to the heart of the action. At the end of the day, the MBA experience inside the classroom at most top-tier business schools is fairly similar. An important consideration for any prospect should be what is going on outside the campus. There is a good reason, for example, why (sadly) none of the top 20 MBA schools are located on beaches in the Caribbean – they lack proximity to the action in the business world. In China, for example, Shanghai is a hub of both globalizing Chinese enterprises and multi-national corporations seeking access to the enormous mainland market. As these firms partner with business schools to help them with their strategic transition, MBAs benefit not only from job and internship opportunities, but also through mentors, a growing network, and a first-hand understanding of how to navigate the unique challenges of globalization.   

2. Competitive ROI. Typically, schools in Asia benefit from a lower cost of living and lower tuition fees, without compromising on the salary increase after placement. At CEIBS, for example, our tuition fees stand at US$58K, on campus accommodation at US$435 per month, and our MBAs see an average salary increase of 91.9 percent post-graduation. Most impactful is the fact that both domestic and international students enjoy these advantages. 

3. Demonstrate to employers the ability to work outside of your comfort zone. It takes a certain adventurous spirit to enroll in any MBA program, but add into the equation a brand new culture and language and it may be a step too far for many prospects. Pivoting your career to Asia does, however, demonstrate the resilience required to be a true global citizen, something that stands out during the post MBA job interview process.

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