Paying for the GMAT exam is simple and multiple payment options are available. Different locations have specific pricing, local taxes, and regulations that are important to know and are based on the location of your test center or your location when taking the online exam.
Select your country from the drop-down menu below to see detailed pricing information for your location.
Payments Methods
Accepted credit cards and debit cards: VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Discover Network Cards.
Charges on your credit card statement will most likely appear as “VUE*GRAD MGMT TEST” for exams delivered at a test center, or "EXAMITY PROCTORING" for exams delivered online.
If your credit or debit card is declined, your appointment will be automatically canceled. You are responsible for scheduling another test appointment with a valid form of payment.
If you use a stolen or fraudulent credit or debit card, your registration will be canceled, any of your previous GMAT scores may be canceled, and Graduate Management Admission Council may notify both schools and law enforcement authorities.
If you wrongfully challenge or dispute the fee with your credit card company, you may be blocked from taking further exams or from requesting additional score reports.