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When To Accept A GMAT Waiver, And When To Take The Test

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You’ve probably seen ads for MBA programs that say, “GMAT waivers available.” Post-COVID-19, business schools now express an openness to allowing certain applicants to waive their MBA admissions test. But just because you can get a test waiver, does it make sense to do so, or might it hurt your chances of admission?

Having worked for 23 years leading graduate business admissions, and now as a consultant working directly with business school applicants, I want to address some of the key questions candidates have about test waivers

How have MBA admissions testing requirements changed since COVID-19?

Although some programs were test-optional before COVID-19, the worldwide pandemic forced schools to identify alternatives for assessing applicant admissibility. Some programs started accepting a broader collection of exams, such as the LSAT, MCAT, SAT, and ACT, and some waived the GMAT for the end of the admissions cycle during the pandemic. Fast-forward to now, and schools continue to offer a wide range of testing options, with varying requirements.  

Some schools are test-optional, while others allow applicants to request test waivers. 

Should you jump up and down because you do not need to pay, study, or sit for this exam? Maybe. If you have a great academic record that demonstrates your ability to handle quantitative coursework (in particular) and all the other experiential must-haves and nice-to-haves that your program seeks, then yes – jump up and down for joy. You probably are fine applying without the exam. 

If, however, your undergraduate record reflects underachievement on your part or is below average or lacking in some way for the programs you’re applying to (including limited quantitative coursework), you probably need a test score to present evidence that you can handle the academic demands of the program. 

I’m sorry to say it, but you will probably enhance your chances of acceptance by studying, paying for, and taking the exam. That’s probably not what you want to hear, but I’m supposed to offer a reality check sometimes.

What if you are a bad-test taker and your undergraduate record reflects underachievement or is not competitive at your target programs? 

If the program you want to apply to doesn’t require an admissions test, you could probably better spend your time, money, and energy showing your academic ability in other ways.

Consider completing the HBS CORe for graduate management education. Also, if it is relevant to your goal, consider pursuing  the CFA or the Certified Financial Planner

You might also decide to take a few relevant graded courses − think statistics or business calculus to demonstrate your quantitative ability, especially if these courses were not part of your undergraduate studies. You could even choose to take a course such as accounting or economics to develop your business “language.” 

We’ve seen this approach work very effectively with clients who take courses in a new field of interest and get A's in them. You could pursue an online, for-credit certificate program, another degree, or just coursework, though earning A's in these classes is key. The point here is that given the competitive application landscape and with some schools going test-optional, you have to assess whether you need a test to reinforce for the admissions committee that you can do the work that will be required of you in the graduate program you are applying to.

Given the score-scale difference, will you be at a disadvantage if you submit a GMAT score versus a score from the previous GMAT test? 

You are not at a disadvantage due to the new score scale. Admissions offices have worked closely with the Graduate Management Admission Council to ensure that they understand how the GMAT scores compare to scores on the previous GMAT test. Once you receive your score, you can use the GMAT Score Concordance Table to understand your GMAT score as it relates to the average and range of scores in your target business schools’ class profiles.

Kelly Wilson is an MBA and MS consultant with Accepted and partners with prospective applicants to global business programs. Based on her 23 years of leading business school admissions at the University of Pittsburgh, Georgetown University, and Carnegie Mellon University, she uses her admissions insights to coach and guide candidates through the application process. She helps them create a compelling narrative about the challenges and achievements they have met through their personal, educational, and professional experiences.


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