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Executive Assessment 4-Week Study Planner

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Finally, a business school admissions test that appreciates your experience (and how busy you are!).

The Executive Assessment, from the makers of the GMAT™ exam, is designed specifically for experienced professionals like you who want to advance their careers by going back to school for their MBA, whether it be in an Executive MBA program or one of the other program types that accept the Executive Assessment.

The Executive Assessment requires minimal preparation, provides maximum convenience and flexibility, and values your knowledge and real-world experience—all while giving you the opportunity and insights to sharpen your skills before your program begins.

Executive Assessment 4-Week Study Planner

And now, with the all new Executive Assessment 4-Week Study Planner, you get a self-guided, step-by-step worksheet to help you conquer your test prep with the benefit of expert advice and direction on what resources to take advantage of.

Get your free copy now!


Here’s a preview of what you can expect:

Week 1 – Explore

To get started, focus first on simply getting familiar with the test. The format, the questions, the timing—all of this will come to you more easily if you try to simulate a real test experience as you prep.

That means minimizing distractions. Put your phone on silent and close your work email. The more you can focus, the less total time you’ll need to devote to prep.

Week 2 – Practice

Key to maximizing your prep time is what’s called deliberate practice, which is focusing your attention on the specific areas on which you most need to improve.

In order to do that in the context of the Executive Assessment, you need to first understand which sections give you the most trouble. Make that your goal for week 2.

Week 3 – Focus

Here’s where you put in the deliberate practice on your opportunity areas. Spend as much time reviewing the questions as answering them and become intimately familiar with the different question types.

With just a little practice, you’ll train yourself to instantly understand what is being asked and how to quickly and accurately arrive at the answer.

Week 4 – Refine

By this point, the heavy lifting of your prep is complete, and you’re just fine tuning your skills. Don’t try to cram too much into the week leading up to your testing appointment. Your objective should be to keep your confidence level high and your mind fresh.

Remember that eating well and getting enough sleep support your brain function and will keep you sharp!

Executive Assessment prep from the makers of the test

One of the best parts about the Executive Assessment 4-Week Study Planner is that it directs you to exactly to the right tools to aid in your prep, including the free Official Executive Assessment Question Sampler, Official Practice Assessments 1 & 2, and Official Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions.

Explore all your options for Executive Assessment Official Prep in the EA Prep Store.


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