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An MBA Is a Great Path for Career Changers

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Ngozi Amobi

Amobi talks about why an MBA might be the best path for a career change.

Ngozi Amobi, Rotterdam School of Management

Like many prospective business school students, Ngozi Amobi was ready for a career change. But, jumping into a new field isn’t easy. To successfully change industries, many professionals decide to go back to school. Amobi chose to pursue an MBA to change careers. Here, Amobi describes her decision to switch careers and explains why she chose an MBA to make the transition.

An MBA Is a Great Path for Career Changers

"I saw the MBA as a way to explore different areas of business that I didn’t have exposure to before."

Full transcript

"Hello, my name is Ngozi Amobi and I am a full-time MBA student at Rotterdam School of Management in the Netherlands, graduating in March 2017. I chose to do an MBA because I am looking to change careers. I was a lawyer at one point and then working in the restaurant industry in New York ad I was looking to change industry and function again. I saw the MBA as a way of doing that in an academic environment where I could explore different areas of business that I didn’t have exposure to before. The MBA, for me, was an opportunity to meet and collaborate with people from various education, career, and cultural backgrounds and look at the same business problem from many different perspectives. So, in my opinion, when looking to do an MBA, it’s important to understand what it is you hope to achieve by entering one of these programs, and just understanding that it’s about giving yourself he flexibility to choose a new path that you may not have considered before. I hope you have found this video helpful. Thank you very much."

Get to know Ngozi Amobi better, and see what motivated her to purse an MBA and a career in business.

Q&A: Getting to know Ngozi Amobi

Dream career: Director of Communications for the Women’s Tennis Association (this position does not yet exist).

Why Business School? I felt it would give me exposure to a wide array of business disciplines, for which I had no previous exposure.

Best GMAT™ exam study tip? Do as many practice questions/exams as possible.

Before business school, I was: An accounting manager for a hospitality group in NYC.

When I’m not in class, you’ll find me:On the tennis court (if the weather is kind).

Advice for anyone thinking about b-school? It is a great environment in which to hone in on what you may want to do next.

Read More: Wondering why an MBA is great for career switchers?

My remedy for pre-test nerves: Distract yourself.

On the day before your exam, you should:Relax. Do not do anything related to the exam.

How did you fit studying for the GMAT exam into your busy schedule? I studied on my own after work.

How well-prepared for business school do you feel, after studying for the GMAT exam? I think that studying for the GMAT, in conjunction with my work experience, prepared me quite well for business school.

Is it time for you to make a career change? Take this quiz to find out.

Wondering how to change careers?

While a career change may seem daunting, with careful planning and consideration you can make a successful — and rewarding — transition. If you’ve been considering switching careers but you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got you covered. Follow these five steps to start your career transition.