From Accounting to Logistics with an MBA
"I was inspired by many of my colleagues to strive to outperform."
General information:
- Name: Alexandre Matoso
- Home Country: Portugal
- Current Job Location: Delft, Netherlands
- Job Function: Assistant Manager EU Cost Control
- Industry of Work: Logistics
- Name of Company: Samsung SDS
- Degrees:
- MBA, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
- Business Management Bachelor, ISCTE, Instituto Universitario de Lisboa
What did you do between undergrad and MBA?
I've worked for one year in Luxembourg via a program sponsored by the Portuguese government then changed to the Telecom Industry for 3 years between Portugal and UK and finally moved to Real Estate and Logistics in Amsterdam for almost another 3 years.
Why did you decide to pursue a Master/MBA degree? What was the “light bulb” moment you knew business school was in your future?
When I understood I was getting too specialized in one field and with the risk of automation on the nearby future for Accounting and possibly Finance roles, I decided to undertake a more broader education to also think about next steps and try new fields. As I wanted to continue in the Netherlands, Rotterdam School of Management was the obvious choice for me.
Please describe your current job and the skills you need.
I am currently working on projects related to Logistics where I am able to follow the process from the operational teams back to the headquarters. This has allowed me to travel to get to know various parts of the company in Europe and also to know how the business is structured in several countries. I am now working more closely with the Baltic region and Italy.
What did you learn or gain from business school that has allowed you to get where you are today (skills, internships, network, etc.)?
I was in fact recruited by an alum at my Business School who came to Campus. A direct benefit from my business school is the access to their alumni network and how they nurture that relation.
What was your inspiration for pursuing your current job/career—why did you get into this particular line of work?
I've decided to gain experience in a new field. From an Accounting and Finance background I moved more into Logistics and it has been so far a fulfilling experience to gain more understanding of the business itself and all the players within.
Your greatest takeaway from business school?
I've learned that even through hardships we can always move one step further and keep on smiling. I was inspired by many of my colleagues to strive to outperform. Another learning was the power of a group working together. Things much greater than we can do by ourselves can be achieved working as a team.
Describe any internships or other professional experiences you had while in business school and what you learned.
While in Rotterdam School of Management I was elected Financial Officer for the Student Association. I had my own Investment Group in one of the Societies on Campus, participated in more than 6 competitions with other business schools and even worked part-time as a consultant for a Dutch Microbrewery. The MBA was a perfect sandbox for the future and a life-changing experience.
Did you take the GMAT™ exam and if yes, when do you think is the best time to take the exam (e.g. during the Bachelor or after practical experience etc.)
I took the GMAT exam and it was not that easy to get the grade I wanted studying only part-time and with long hours at work. I would recommend to study for the GMAT full-time for a shorter period for a more productive outcome.
Where do you see your career taking you 10 years from now?
An MBA, and particularly an MBA at Rotterdam School of Management also gives you the confidence to eventually start your own company. Although I am currently undertaking a more corporate career I am sure that in 10 years from now entrepreneurship will be one of the pillars of my career.